Quinlan Brothers Fish Plant
Bay de Verde, NL
This two-storey, 6 919-square-meter fish processing plant replaced the previous Quinlan Brothers plant that was destroyed by fire.
The owner was committed to reopening the project 12 months from the date of the fire, as it played an inportant role in the economy of the town. Marco managed the very aggressive schedule and completed the project seven months after breaking ground. This allowed the client to achieve their goal and reopen the facility precisely one year after the disaster.
The plant was designed for maximum durability and functionality, while taking into consideration the harsh weather conditions of its location. Foundations were built on piles to provide a stable base for the building, and the concrete, concrete reinforcement, and complete building envelope were constructed from non-corrosive materials suited for an ocean-side location. The interior production floor was built to comply with federal food and health standards using features such as epoxy floors, and liquid-tight mechanical and electrical systems.
The facility has its own engine room containing eight custom-built compressors, chillers and boilers etc. With the size of its equipment, this facility has one of the largest electrical draws of any single building in the province of Newfoundland.